
List of attachments to the Mini page :

(:attachtable Mini list=all:)
7zip.png 1622008-11-01 14:03:56
8z.jpg 1,8642008-11-01 14:03:58
bitterlemon.png 250,1422009-04-22 22:37:28
Bulgaria-locator-template.svg 80,1652008-11-01 14:03:59
inja.png 131,5252008-11-01 14:03:57
inja2.jpg 5,3242008-11-01 14:03:58
r.doc 16,8962008-11-01 14:03:59
Test.jpg 2,6712008-11-01 14:03:59
th.jpg 15,4312008-11-01 14:03:59
th00---7zip.png.jpg 1,2062011-03-28 19:57:33
th00---bitterlemon.png.jpg 3,3392009-05-09 15:01:31
th00---inja.png.jpg 5,9242011-03-28 19:57:33
th00---inja2.jpg.jpg 5,8282011-03-28 19:57:33
th00---Test.jpg.jpg 3,1882011-03-28 19:57:33

Conditionals :

(:if attachments Mini:)
* attachments at [[Mini]]
(:if attachments Mini/*.jpg:)
* attachments *.jpg
(:if attachments Mini/*.png:)
* attachments *.png
(:if attachments Mini/*.avi:)
* attachments *.avi
(:if attachments Mini/Test.jpg:)
* attachments Test.jpg
(:if attachments Mini/te*.jpg:)
* attachments te*.jpg (case insensitive)
(:if attachments Mini/Test.html:)
* attachments Test.html
(:if attachments Mini/th*---*.jpg:)
* Mini or Thumblist thumbnails exist
(:if attachments *:)
* current page has an attachment

In a pagelist :

(:pagelist group=Cookbook if="attachments {=$FullName}/*" fmt=#simplename:)

Multiple file matches. Note that this may seem counter-intuitive, but works exactly the same way as the pagelist name=*Page1,*Page2,-A* parameter.

(:if attachments *.ogg,*.mp3,*.wav,*.au:)
* at least one audio file (not all types)
(:if attachments Mini/*.png,*.avi:)
* either *.png, or *.avi exist (not both)
(:if attachments Mini/*,-*.avi,-*.zip:)
* there are attachments other than *.avi, or *.zip
(:if [ attachments Mini/*.png  && attachments Mini/*.jpg ]:)
* both *.png, and *.jpg exist
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