
I can't seem to get 2 maps on the same page to work. Despite having different lat and longs, the points just show in the same place.

: %gmap% GMap:ll=57.47532,-4.218927&z=19 : center
: GMap:ll=57.475327,-4.219351 : 58 Argyle Street
: GMap:ll=57.475323,-4.219298 : 43 Carsegate Road South
ll=57.47532,-4.218927&z=19 : center
ll=57.475327,-4.219351 : 58 Argyle Street
ll=57.475323,-4.219298 : 43 Carsegate Road South

They are not the same point, they are just really close. This becomes clear when we place both points on the same map and zoom in. Check your coordinates, it is possible that you didn't get one of them precisely. Also, in "Edit-Preview" mode, you can "drag" a pointer and see its precise location when you drop it. --Petko 2010-04-24 00:18:02

: %gmap% GMap:ll=57.481695,-4.224243&z=13 : center
: GMap:ll=57.475427,-4.218466&z=19 : 58 Argyle Street
: GMap:ll=57.488766,-4.248533&z=16 : 43 Carsegate Road South
ll=57.481695,-4.224243&z=13 : center
ll=57.475427,-4.218466&z=19 : 58 Argyle Street
ll=57.488766,-4.248533&z=16 : 43 Carsegate Road South

When I searched Google Maps for your addresses, here are the coordinates and the map which I got. --Petko 2010-04-24 00:28:32

Thanks Petko, that's a massive help. I was just trying it in the sandbox here to see if there was a bug in my system. I did not expect help from afar. :)

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