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Note : Thumblist has moved to its new home. You can go directly to the new version of this page: Sandbox8. (You will be redirected in 2 seconds.)

(:thumb mygif.gif width=600:)

The above works, but on my internal (not publically accessible) site I see Attach:th398---ffffff--map_Enrol3_Process_Search_Response.gif.jpg Δ

Perhaps I need new image processing libraries (ie newer version of PHP)

The above conversion is done with ImageMagick. Now testing with PHP (5.2.3):

(:thumb Sandbox4/mygif.gif width=600:)

We don't have ImageMagick, and it is only happening on this internal wiki (I tried it on KiwiWiki and it works OK). I'll get back to you when I find out more, thanks heaps.

The above test (under "Now testing with PHP") is done with PHP and not with ImageMagick. Maybe you have a very old PHP-GD image library. You could try to save the picture in a different format, like PNG for such a graphic.

(:thumb "SSI overview.jpeg" width=400 usetemplate=1:)

Trying to replicate a problem where quotes are needed: (:thumb "space in filename causes problems.png" width=700 usetemplate=0:)

The problem is not with any Thumblist markup, but with the PmWiki Attach: markup and upload function. We talked about it before, not much can be done.

Thumblist should only be expected to work with files/filenames that PmWiki expects and recognizes, and which are visible to both the Attach: and (:attachlist:) markups: both a recognized filename and placed in the correct directory. This currently means lowercase extensions and no spaces.

One way to be sure a filename is ok, is to upload it via the PmWiki's ?action=upload function.

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