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Note : Thumblist has moved to its new home. You can go directly to the new version of this page: Thumblist². (You will be redirected in 2 seconds.)

Welcome to Thumblist² for PmWiki!

Thumblist² is a simple and lightweight picture gallery for PmWiki, written by Petko Yotov. It is simple to install and use, but also allows very flexible configurations.

Download and documentation

You can read more about this script and download the latest version at Cookbook:ThumbList (I can no longer update the documentation at two different locations). You can tell me what you think at this talk page.

Here you can see some examples, and learn what I am asking from you in return.

You can download the latest version?, that runs on this site (may work or not).

Terms of use

Note that in addition to the GNU GPL v.3, this script is a postcardware. If you like it and use it, please mail me a real postcard (made of paper, with a stamp) showing a view from your (town | city | location | village | island | mountain). This is an old-fashioned, easy way to give me something small, but real and valuable for the script and will encourage me to keep improving it. If you mention your e-mail address, I will send you a note when I recieve your postcard. :-)

Address for postcard: Petko Yotov, 56 boulevard des Invalides, 75007 Paris, France

The documentation moved to its new home. Please go to

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